Melitopol. The park of culture and leisure
City Park, located in the centre of the city, appeared on a vacant lot. Construction of the Park began in 1926 with the help of local authority. Seven hectares of land, dug manually, have been planted with trees. Water carried in the barrels from the lower part of the city. Ivan Alexeev, the chief forester of the Berdiansk forestry, created the project of the Park, gave his life to his own creation. He will remain forever in hearts of grateful citizens of Melitopol. In 1960, the Park received a status of a monument of landscape architecture of Ukraine. Today on 32 hectares of the Park there are about 100 species of trees and shrubs.
Today the park is citizen`s favorite vacation spot , where citywide events are held, and performances by the municipal brass band and creative teams are organized.
Melitopol. Ecopark
In 2019, a new category appeared in the Participation Budget competition - citywide projects. One of them - "Ecopark" received a record number of votes from citizients. Residents have repeatedly complained about the neglect of this park near Тhe Experimental Station of Horticulture named after Sidorenko Irrigation Horticulture Station. Today "Ecopark" has become a favorite vacation spot of Melitopol residents. Near the rotunda there are artistic compositions of the city's brand - cherries, which were made as part of another project - the winner of the Participation Budget.
Melitopol municipal museum of local lore Today you can see forty-five thousand of different exhibits in the museum. The collection of Scythian gold (dated 4 c. BC) which was found in a result of an excavation of the Melitopol barrow in 1954, is one of the most valuable exhibits. Archaeological exhibits display the ancient history of the region which was full filled with events. Such representatives of different archaeological cultures as the Cimmerian, the Scythian, the Sarmatian lived on this territory. There was a Great resettlement of the people on this land. Also in Museum you can enjoy lectures about the treasures of Scythian mounds and their plunders about history of the region settlement, about weapons of Kazaki period, history of land occupation during the World War IIand its liberation, about fauna and modern ornithology, etc. The Museum works every day from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., on Mondays is closed. Address : Mykhailo Hrushevskyi St. 18, +38 (0619) 44-45-14
Melitopol. Park of the Experimental Station of Horticulture named after Sidorenko
In the 1930s Melitopol Base station of berry experimental horticulture was created, later, the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture. Since 1933 there have been created 12 new sweet cherry sorts, Valery Chkalov is considered to be the most famous one. There have been collected more than 3 000 sorts of fruit and berries. In the park of the Irrigation Horticulture Station, where more than 30 species of fruit trees grow, the residents and visitors can experience a beautiful view of hundreds of flowering trees.
Address: Vakulenchuk St., 99, +38 (0619) 49-20-21
Melitopol. Monument to Taras Shevchenko
This sculpture representis young Shevchenko with a book in his hand is made of pink granite, height 2.2 m, was created by sculptor Rozhyk . It is situated at the Victory square in the centre of the city. Floral ornaments run around the monument resembling patterns of Ukrainian embroidery. The unveiling took place in May 2011 on the 150th anniversary of the poet's reburial in Kanev.
Address: Victory Square
Melitopol. Friendship Square
The square got its name not by chance. It is located on the street Brive-la-Gaillarde, which is named after the French sister city of Melitopol. Brive-la-Gaillarde is a city in southwestern France with a history of more than 15 centuries. Originated at the site of the crossing of the river Corrèze, the name of the city literally means "bridge". Area - 48.6 square meters. km. Population - about 50 thousand inhabitants. Developed industrial and commercial center. The twinning agreement between the cities was first signed in 1967, but lost its force with the collapse of the USSR. In August 2012, a new agreement was signed between the municipalities and a plan for further cooperation was developed. Address: Brive-la-Gaillarde St.
Melitopol. Sliven Square
Square, located on the street. Hetman Sagaidachny, named after the Bulgarian sister city of Melitopol Sliven, which also has a square "Melitopol". The events of the national-cultural society "Balkans" are usually held here. In 2020, as part of the IX All-Ukrainian Council of Bulgarians, a monument to the national Bulgarian hero, a native of Sliven, Hadzhi Dimitar, was unveiled here. Roses were planted in the park - a gift from the municipality of Sliven.
Address: intersection of B. Khmelnytsky Avenue and Hetman Sagaidachny St.
Melitopol. St. Sabbas the Sanctified Male Monastery
The monastery was founded at the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist. As a result of reconstruction of the temple there was Icon Mother of God Cathedral «Look down on humility». The central altar is in the name of the Icon Mother of God Cathedral, right altar in the name St. Sabbas, left altar is in the name of the Beheading of John the Baptist. In the monastery there are monks` cells, refectory, library, church shop.
Address: Monastyrska St. 45, Melitopol
Melitopol. Monument to composer and performer Volodymyr Vysotskyi
Melitopol is not famous only for cherries and honey, but also for the first in Ukraine monument to the prominent poet, singer and actor Volodymyr Vysotskyi, who visited the city with a concert in 1978. The initiator of the monument was the owner of the shopping center «Passage», next to which it is installed, a local businessman H. Memetov. The Author of composition is honored ukrainian sculptor K. Chekaniev. Each year, on the birthday of Vysotskyi there are concerts of local bards.
Address: Bohdan Khmelnitskyi Avenue, 24
Melitopol. Sculptural composition «Melitopol Machine Builder»
In Melitopol, which in the twentieth century became recognized as the location of the machine-building enterprises, honored engineering work of representatives in machine building by sculptural composition «Melitopol Machine Builder». It was opened during the international exhibition «Agroforum» in 2011. The composition includes lathe 1K-62 and a figure of a turner, which is made of bronze, the height is 2 m.
Address: 50 years of Victory Avenue 19
Melitopol. Korvatsky's burial place
Located in the old cherry orchards, so-called «Philibert Gardens». Also in 2005, a bust of Andriy Korvatsky was installed in the city. He stood at the origins of the development of preventive medicine in Northern Tavria, and opened a source of mineral water in Melitopol. There were appeared the first elite seedlings of stone fruit trees in the city thanks to Korvatskyi who was engaged in experimental gardening . The adress where the bust is located: Bohdan Khmelnitskyi Avenue 41
The sculptural composition to literary hero Ostap Bender
There is a monument in the city to the Ilf and Petrov`s character Ostap Bender. In the book his «neighbour» considered Melitopol is the one of the capitals of the world culture. Melitopol citizens are people who have good sense of humor, and treat the monument with respect. Almost each citizen has a photo where he or she is depicted on a chair next to Ostap Bender. The authors of the project became the artist Demchenko and Kharkiv's sculptor Volodymyr Goncharov. The sculptural composition is made of of concrete, bounded in steel and bronze, appeared on the place of bust to one of former Soviet leaders. The grand opening was on the Day of the city in 2011.
Address: the intersection of Bohdan Khmelnitskyi Avenue and Heroiv Ukrainy St.
Ethnographic museum «Calais»
Museum expositions tell about participation of Melitopol in the program «Intercultural cities» of the Council of Europe. Our city takes part in it since 2008. Some stands tell about numerous national and cultural societies, in particular, devoted to history and culture of one of the smallest ethnos in the world – Karaites. In support of cultural diversity of Melitopol city and its districts there are held citywide events: conferences, holidays and festivals. Expositions are constantly added and updated thanks to the efforts of public council of Museum. Address: Heroiv Ukrainy St. 27
Melitopol. Pedunculate oak
Botanical natural monument of local significance in Ukraine. Located within the city on the territory of the Park near the railway station. The status was assigned in accordance with the decision of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Executive Committee dated 12.12.1979 № 533. The area of the protected object is 0.05 ha. According to various data, the age of the tree is oriented: 130 - 400 years. Trunk diameter 118 cm, height 19 m.
Pedunculate oak commonly known as common oak , European oak or English oak - a perennial plant, a tree of the beech family. One of the most common tree species in temperate Europe and the most durable tree species in Ukraine. Valuable wood, tannin-bearing, food, honey-bearing, dyeing, fodder, medicinal and decorative culture. The oak in Bad Blumau (Austria) is considered to be the oldest oak in Europe (1000 years old).
Melitopol. The Patriarch Oak
This oak was planted in 1896 by a prominent forester of the Berdyansk steppe forestry Pavlo Syvytsky (1852 - 1921) near his house (today it is General Petrov Street). At his initiative a meteorological station (1906) and a forestry museum were built at his own expense. Abandoned forestry, which covered an area of 40 hectares, expanded by him to almost a thousand hectares. In 1899 he founded the Altagir forestry.
In Melitopol there is Pavlo Syvytsky Street in the Pishchana residential district.