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An official delegation from Melitopol visited Pukhavichy Raion

Towns and villages Chief Belarus met the main holiday of the country - Independence Day and 68th anniversary of liberation from Nazi invaders. On Independence Day in Marina Gorka at the obelisk of Fame festive meeting, where the tradition came to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the residents of the city and the district. All present on the occasion congratulated the chairman of the district executive committee Karalenya FP District leadership, the guests and participants of the festivities, representatives of labor collectives laid flowers and wreaths at the monument of military glory, the Marina Gorka. These events were part of the official delegation of Melitopol. In posselsovetah district also held celebrations to mark the Day of Independence. During a meeting with representatives of the district administration Pukhovichi delegation from Melitopol discussed the concept of cooperation and action for the second half of 2012.

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