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Planning of building a plant of processing of solid domestic waste.

The 29th of August 2013 Mr. Steven Gamelsky visited Melitopol with the official invitation from Executive Committee of Melitopol City Council. He is the president of "Gea Engineering Company". The aim of his visit was a presentation the project about building a plant of processing of solid domestic waste on the territory of Melitopol region. 
Since 1988 "Gea" has established a solid reputation in consulting engineering, offering services for water reclamation, sewerage and waterworks, drainage and flood control, solid and hazardous waste management, land development, petroleum storage, environmental assessment, industrial hygiene, infrastructure redevelopment and industrial waste treatment.
Melitopol City Council is interested in Gamelsky's project and consider of this building. Soon we'll have Commercial Offer from "Gea Engineering".

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