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Took place on May 25, 2016.
Melitopol held a regional consultation of experts of the Ukrainian Institute for International Politics (UIIP) in the framework of the project "Support for community development from within", supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
Since January 2016 UIIP provides learning for strategic planning and project management for cities and local communities of four Ukranian Regions including Zaporizhzhya Region.  

This study aims to address one of the key problems of newly established communities - the lack of skilled personnel and lack of understanding of how to take advantage of new powers and attract additional resources.
Such an event took place in Zaporizhzhya in February 2016, where  Melitopol was represented by  city authority and the public. After that, the local team has developed two projects: Green City and The development of the urban model strategic roadmap of the ethnic Azov border cities intercultural integration.

These projects were presented in the executive committee on 25 May. Also experts  UIMP held a working meeting with the local team, during which reviewed  project proposals.

Additional Information:
The project Support for community development from within is part of an initiative  Launching Regions of Ukrainian Institute for International Politics (UIIP), towards on  regional development and approximation to EU standards local government and increase transparency and accountability of local authorities.

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