Bergen (Norway), 9-10 June 2016.
The Mayor of Melitopol Sergey Minko will take part in Study visit on Bergen, Norway. The city of Bergen will host a study visit for Intercultural cities representatives willing to deepen their knowledge on refugees inclusion. |
The study visit will build on the succesful welcoming policy instruments put in place by the municipality of Bergen in this specific field, including a stop to the Introduction Centre for Refugees which welcomes around 400 new refugees per year.
According to Provisional List of Participants, there will take part representatives of Bilbao (Spain), Botkyrka(Sweden), Bucharest(Romania), Lisbone (Portugal), Lublin(Poland), Melitopol(Ukraine), Neuch?tel(Swizerland), Neuk?lln( Germany), Patras( Greece), Reggio Emilia( Italy), San Sebastian (Spain), Santa Maria da Feira ( Portugal), Sumy ( Ukraine), Valetta (Malta). The experts: Ms Nihal Eminoglu from Strasbourg; Mr Oliver Freeman, Intercultural Governance Consultant from Lausanne; Ms Kseniya Khovanova, National Coordinator for Ukraine. Council of Europe will be represented by Ms Ivana d'Alessandro, Project Officer, Intercultural Cities Programme.
The programme includes visits to emergency Asylum reception centre and Introduction center for refugees . During the study visit there will be a festival going on in Bergen to celebrate the Hanseatic culture. For more information: http://hansa2016.no/