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Students of The University of the third age received certificates.


June 30, 2016, students were awarded with the certificates of The University of the third age, which operates on the basis of the day-stay Melitopol territorial center of social service department. In September, 2015 58 learners (the elderly, people with disabilities) were enrolled to the department of Social human development of the University on the basis of personal applications

and received skills and knowledge in the following disciplines: information technology, world literature, healthy way of life, psychology of personality, fundamentals of Orthodox culture, music and singing.


The students received certificates and thanked the teachers for providing knowledge, inspiration and wished inexhaustible strength and energy, arranged vivid musical and lyrical performances.


As the head of the university Khrystyna Boyko told, that the staff of the day-stay Melitopol territorial center of social service department, the teachers of Melitopol school of culture, specialists of Melitopol city Central library named after M. Lermontov, the staff of Melitopol Local Museum and volunteers are involved into the provision of social services for training. Archpriest Maxim Smirnov provides the knowledge to the elderly on issues of Orthodox culture, he organized excursions to churches in Melitopol, healing springs in village Terpinnya. Teacher of Melitopol school of culture Vilen Oskow also once lectured, told stories and lives of eminent artists. Engineer with computer systems Melitopol city Central library named after M. Lermontov, Valery Posehn continues to provide knowledge in computer science (discipline Information technology) to students of The University of the third age. The librarian of Melitopol Central library named after M. Lermontov, Noshhenko lectured on the subject World literature. All interested may also attend the course the following year.




To the order of Ministry of social policy of Ukraine from 25.08.2011 326 On the implementation of socio-educational services The University of the third age in the territorial centre of social service of Melitopol City Council of Zaporizhzhya region was created The University of the third age at the Department of social adaptation (order from 17.01.2012 23).


Based on the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 29.12.2009 1417, the decision of the Executive Committee of Melitopol City Council of Zaporizhzhya region dated 20.01.2010 No. 8/5, the Provisions of the territorial center of social service of Melitopol City Council of Zaporizhzhya region, approved by decision of the 6th session of the Melitopol City Council of VII convocation from 26.02.2016 No. 7/2 03.03.2016 year the department changed its name to the day-stay department.


On the basis of day-stay Melitopol territorial center such social service as social adaptation is provided in The University of the third age.


The purpose of teaching the elderly is to give specific knowledge, to reduce the risk of social isolation and find their place in the new conditions of life, not only as recipients but also as an active members of society.


The University of the third age works according to the approved curriculum and class schedules. At the faculty of Social development in 2012-2013, students had the opportunity to obtain skills and knowledge in the disciplines: psychology, culturology, valueology, Orthodoxy, the history of native land, my native land, folk art. The elderly, people with disabilities who wish to participate in the The University of the third age on the basis of personal applications are accepted to training groups of the University. Each year the number of participants is growing.

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