The city's sales volume increased during a half of the year.
According to the results of the integrated evaluation socio-economic development of the region for the first half of this year, the largest increase in the volume of industrial production is observed in the Melitopol 32.8% For comparison in Energodar this indicator is 9.8% and in Berdiansk - 2.3%.
Now 17 territories in the region have demonstrated an increase in the volume of sales of industrial products. The greatest growth of volume of industrial production among the regions was held in Bilmak (in 58 times, due to the recovery in production Trunovskii quarry SE UPP state administration of railway transport of Ukraine) and in Berdiansk (in 2.7 times) regions.
Calculations of complex evaluation results of socio-economic development of cities and districts of the region for January-June 2016 were made using 30 indicators (for cities of regional importance according to 25 indicators), which are formed in the 7 areas of activity (for cities of regional importance 6 areas) on the basis of the methodology approved by the order of the Chairman of regional state administration.