October 27-28 there is with working visit there is a Council of Europe expert,
curator Network intercultural cities of Ukraine Kseniia Rubikondo in Melitopol. During the visit, she met with mayor Serhii Minko, heads and representatives of structural divisions.
The purpose of her visit to the Melitopol is to study intercultural index, which is held every three years. It is worth noting that previous research, in our city was held in 2011. Among 100 cities Melitopol took 43rd place with 62 points out of 100. But then we still had no Plan of intercultural integration.
Now Kseniia can calculate the intercultural index again. Structural subdivisions of the Executive Committee completed the questionnaire, which consists of 76 questions.
According to preliminary estimation, according to K. Rubikondo, the result should be quite high. Melitopol this year introduced quite a lot of interesting practices.
The expert also reported that Melitopol confirms its status as an intercultural capital of Ukraine and is actively implementing the "Plan of intercultural integration of Melitopol up to 2020".
Mayor S. Minko said that he signed the order about creation of working group to monitor the implementation of the urban model of intercultural integration. A working group, which consists of representatives of the city authorities, deputies, entrepreneurs, scientists, social activists, each quarter not only conducts the monitoring of the implementation of the Plan, but also elaborates the mechanisms of its actualization.
The expert announced good news: the Network of intercultural cities of Ukraine has new members, now there are 6 participants. The Council of Europe is seriously interested in the Melitopol intercultural practices, therefore, it is possible for us to develop of European cooperation in new directions.