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2912 In Melitopol there was finished the competition of social projects
organised by the British Council and Melitopol City Council. According to the results, 9 projects made by active citizens received a grant for implementation. The ceremony took place at the conference hall of Melitopol City Council.

The winning projects will be implemented this year at the expense of the British Council (100 thousand UAH) and the city budget in the amount of 154 thousand UAH.


The list of winners:

- Zhorniak Andrii �Fun exercises�;

- Stetsenko Oleksandr �The arrangement of the space to empower residents of the neighborhood regarding the initiation of a healthy lifestyle in Melitopol�;

- Harbar Anastasiia "Area for rest "Island of harmony"";

- Semilutska Anastasiia and Roshyian Yevheniia �Replacement of waste bins in the city centre of Melitopol�;

- Parkhomenko Kseniia "Childhood without barriers" installation in the city Park of a swing designed for children with special needs who use a wheelchair";

- Korniienko Hennadii "City for life": energy efficiency";

- Olha Zvierieva "Creative open space "In the open air";

- Bairaktar Yurii "Entertainment center "Gagarinsky"";

- Kuchyna Kateryna �Universal design of the territory adjacent to the City Park named after Gorkiy�.


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