Zaporizhzhia farmers increase crop of peas in response to increasing demand.
Ukrainian farmers, including Zaporizhzhia region, significantly increase the area under leguminous crops, in particular peas, in connection with the increase in demand from foreign buyers. So, this culture is already sown 358 thousand hectares (130% of the forecast), though previously planned, only 276 hectares.
Most peas is sown area in Zaporizhzhia (55.8 thousand hectares), Odessa (49,5 thousand hectares) and Kharkiv (43,3 thousand hectares) regions.
According to the Department of agricultural development of regional state administration, Zaporizhzhia farmers have substantially increased the acreage under pulse crops, particularly peas. So, already planted 56.5 thousand ha, or 129 % of the forecast, although it was previously planned only 43,8 thousand hectares.
This choice of farmers due to the increase in demand for Ukrainian legumes from foreign buyers, particularly India, Pakistan and Turkey.
According to the Ministry of agrarian policy and food, only in July 2016-January 2017 Ukraine exported 283,8 thousands of tons of peas, which is 17% more than for the whole of the 2015/2016 marketing year. Including to India 114.5 thousand tons, Pakistan - 45 thousand tons, Turkey 23.6 thousand tons. Also, an increase in export of the legumes in all traditional areas of the EU, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Egypt, UAE.