Odesa hosted the XV Ukrainian Municipal Forum
on June 1820, 2019. The Ukrainian Municipal Forum is a nationwide annual event held by the Association of Ukrainian Cities (AUC) in order to provide an effective platform for training, to share experience, ideas, and Ukrainian and international best practices of local government and local economic development, to discuss threats and risks for the local government reform and territorial organization of authority in Ukraine, and for government agencies and the Association of Ukrainian Cities to work out a common attitude to developing local government, improving the legal framework, further decentralizing authority, and enabling the economic development of communities. |
This year, the Forum brought together about 400 participants, including local and central government officials, peoples deputies of Ukraine, Ukrainian and foreign experts, members of international technical assistance projects and others.
The Forums first day, the Day of Dialog with the Government, was held within the USAID project Policy for Ukraine Local Self Governance (PULSE). The Forum was opened by AUC Chair and Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko.
During the second day of the Forum, PLEDDG and AUC held a working meeting of the AUC Committee on Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men.
Organized jointly by AUC and PLEDDG, one day of the Ukrainian Municipal Forum is traditionally dedicated to the economic development of Ukrainian cities. This year, the Day of the Economic Development of Ukrainian Cities was the Forums last day. It was opened by Ihor Lepyoshkin, PLEDDG Senior Expert and Head of the Experts Group.
Vitalii Pogosian, Director of the Economy and Investment Department at Vinnytsia City Council, shared Vinnytsias progress with democratic governance and local economic development. Oleksandra Hryhorovych, Head of the Municipal Marketing Departmet of Office of Social and Economic Development at Melitopol City Council, shared Melitopols progress with promotion and brending, and noted, among other things, support by PLEDDG